Apr 1, 2008

Project I

Project I is a project which enables chIldren to discover the Incredibility within themselves by Interactive conversation through medIa. It is now an annual project held by Art Center Nabi that started from 2005. It is a project that focuses on the "I," which sounds like the Korean word for child.

Image of Project I 3.0 exhibition

Project I 3.0, was held in 2007 as the third incarnation of a program designed to equip children from poor backgrounds with the proper tools necessary to have a chance as artists. Participated children of Project I 3.0 lived outside the Seoul area and attends "study rooms" -- a place where poor children, who generally cannot afford tuition at hakwon, receive instruction from volunteers.

Image of Project I 2.0 opening

In 2006, Project I 2.0 opened a space for 30 Refugee Youths from North Korea, where they could join with creative artists and Project I 2.0 “I” artists. During 4 months, North Korean Refugee Youths from 3 different welfare centers around Seoul have learned and experienced how to find their own paths to express and identify themselves through this project by Art Center Nabi.They not only experienced how to adapt Korean culture which is very new for those just started their lives in South Korea, but also learned how to express and contribute their cultural mind and knowledge to others.The results were presented from October 17 till November 12, 2006 at Art Center Nabi.

Image of Project I 1.0 opening

Project I 1.0 workshop was made by 51 children who live in deprived areas such as Bongchun, Sungnam, Ansan, Incheon, Yongin and 13 artists. It included media workshops and the Riding Media Van program. Children experienced the process to become “I artists” with artists who listened to them carefully through Project I 1.0.Because of Riding Media Van program, these series of process made opportunities to meet and share ideas of our children with others and connected children from 5 areas to each other. The exhibition was organized by SK Telecom and directed by Art center Nabi and Busrugy. The results of Project I 1.0 was presented from November 10 to December 10,2005 at Art center Nabi.

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